Sunday, October 14, 2007

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, October 15, 2007

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love
yourself first, and everything else falls into line.

- Lucille Ball. “I Love Lucy” debuted on TV
on this day, 1951

Can you believe it?!! I can’t really hoist it in. Fifty-six years ago! I was five years old. But I wouldn’r have missed I Love Lucy for anything. That one room flat with the door into the kitchen. Ricky’s carrying on and his Baba-Loo. Grumpy Fred and Ethel the perfect foil for Lucy. But Lucy best of all - with all those wild schemes and her perfect timing. They are eternal – they are hilarious and bang on today. I love Lucy most because she was always up for a crazy adventure. So am I!

Whatever else Lucille Ball may have meant by her comment on her “everyday religion”, she is, I think, on the money about loving yourself. However you get there - and most of us probably have/had a hard time of it! - we must get there if we are ever going to be able truly and authentically to love beyond ourselves.

I’ve known a lot of people who were brought up to believe that they had to love others, and/or God, first, and to “forget” themselves. They might have done helpful, or caring, or kind things, but I suspect that it never becomes authentic Love until they also love themselves. Unless you love yourself, or have been shown that you can love yourself, you are never playing with a full deck. And if you will pardon the mixed metaphor, love of self clears the deck for a generosity of self-giving that nothing else can fully match.

And besides, Love takes bravery and freedom - and it is often a very brave and freeing thing to love yourself. When we do, “everything else falls into line”.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While dating Gary Morton,Lucille Ball adopted the basic theory of the book “The Art of Selfishness” by David Seabury, which was that if everyone looked after his or her own needs, no one else would have to, and life would fall into place.So she got the quote from here.