Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, November 28, 2007

That the Jews assumed a right exclusively
to the benefits of God will be a lasting
witness against them and the same will
it be against Christians.

- William Blake, poet, born on this
day, 1757

I am certain that I would have liked William Blake and his wife. (Which I can say, not knowing much about them intimately.) They were once discovered naked in their garden, playing the parts of Adam and Eve as they read Milton’s “Paradise Lost”. As the young would say, “Cool!”

When I was a callow youth, and a young man “into” being an avid Anglo-Catholic, I thought that surely Christianity was the top of the heap of religions. Judaism? Certainly superseded by “the New Israel”.

It did not take me long to realize how pompous and arrogant my thinking was. And it didn’t take me long because I was lucky enough to meet people who had come to know God. And these people, mostly Christians, taught me how my God was too small. And besides, who was I to think that I knew the mind of God - when Jesus Himself said, “No one knows the Father but the Son”. Why would I be one to whom God revealed Her reality???

But She did! And I learned not to think that I controlled God. I learned that God “works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform”. That God was not above using every possible path to make the wonder of divine Love known.

Jews and Christians are just two of God’s “children”.

We claim “the true God” as “ours”. But God lavishes Love and the knowledge of God on all. Without exception.


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