Sunday, November 25, 2007

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm not wise, but the beginning of wisdom is there;
it's like relaxing into - and an acceptance of - things.

You take your problems to a god, but what you really
need is for the god to take you to the inside of you.

- Tina Turner, singer, born on this day, 1939

What energy! Have you seen Tina Turner on stage? Incredible! Well I remember the first time I ever saw her. I was awed!

And oh, I would say that Tina is indeed wise! It’s a clichĂ© now, to say “Go with the flow”. But the “flow” is the Journey of Life, and going with it is understanding who we human beings are. It’s knowing that we are an integral part of The Flow, not “above” or “outside” or “in control” of It. It is the Tao. It is our milieu, our natural context. It is to be connected with the god/goddess. We need to be in that river, accepting our part and participation in the Mystery. In the Flow, we begin to understand.

And Tina is right on the money about taking your problems “to a god”. Most of us who are so inclined do this - and drop it. We think that God is “out there” and that the God Out There will solve our problems. But the God is not Out There. God is always “inside of you”. And if we have problems to solve, we must let the God take us inside. The answer is always there, inside ourself. Once we learn this, we have at least begun to be wise.

Good old Tina! Wise indeed.


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