Monday, May 28, 2007

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Christ has been done to death
in the cold reaches of northern Europea
thousand thousand times. Suddenly bread
and cheese appear on a plate
beside a gleaming pewter beaker of beer.
Now tell me that the Holy Ghost
does not reside in the play of light
on cutlery!

- from “Dutch Interiors” by Jane Kenyon, State Poet
of New Hampshire at the time of her death age 47
of leukemia, born on this day, 1947

Oh Jane, She does, She does!
We’re rushing up on Pentecost
and I am tired, really tired,
of all these longers after flames of fire
dancing around on peoples’ heads, weary
of people frantically looking around
for a speaker in tongues
to authenticate Her sacred holy Presence.
Fed up with Christs done to death
a thousand thousand times
in a parody of honouring
while most ignore His teachings
and panic at the thought
that we might actually be transformed
into His into Her likeness.
Oh the Holy Ghost She does indeed
reside in the play of light on cutlery –
in the setting of a place at the table
for the dispossessed!
And Christ, oh Christ rises from painted death
in the bread and cheese and beer
set out for the hungry of body and soul.
Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire,
kindle us with celestial fire
to care, to heal, to love.


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