Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Brian’s Reflection: Tuesday, May 8, 2007

All one's inventions are true, you can be sure of that.
Poetry is as exact a science as geometry.

- Gustave Flaubert, French author (“Madame Bovary”),
who died on this day, 1880

Aphrodite rose from the foam that gathered around the castrated genitals of Uranus (Heaven) which his son Cronos had cast into the sea. She is associated therefore with Creation, and is also known as a goddess of pure and spiritual love. She is the source of human passion, and therefore is at the heart of human existence.

Man and Woman, Adam and Adama, rise from the dust at the command of God. They are the mythological parents of the human race.

Stories. Stories. There are countless like them – for the human mind and heart and spirit are infinitely fertile of imagination and power, as is the great Mystery at the origin of all Being.

All true inventions, from the Latin invenire, to “come from within”. All “exact a science as geometry”. All true in their poetry.

I read the “poetry” of the human race and I am amazed and filled with wonder at the Truth that rises up in the art and imagination of the human community – and even more by the Source of it all.

I am grateful for them all.


1 comment:

futari :D said...

Hey.. :D nice blogs..