Thursday, May 31, 2007

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, June 1, 2007

The first truth is that nothing is lost in the universe. Matter turns
into energy, energy turns into matter. A dead leaf turns into soil.
A seed sprouts and becomes a new plant. Old solar systems
disintegrate and turn into cosmic rays. We are born of our parents,
our children are born of us…… We consist of that which is around us.
If we destroy something around us, we destroy ourselves.

- from the “Truths” of Buddhist teaching

Do you recognize this??

I do. Instantly

Paramahansa Yogananda says, “When God comes, where is sleep? Where is the body? Nothing matters but His intoxicating presence”.

St. Diadochos of Photiki (circa 400-486 CE), says, ….. “the soul is drunk with the love of God and, with voice silent, delights in His glory”.

"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth". This is the Hasidic yihud.

Rumi says, “One I seek, One I know, One I see, One I call. He is the first, he is the last, he is the outward, he is the inward; I know none other except "O he" and "O he who is."

Thomas Merton says, ” he attains to communion with the Freedom Who is the source of all actuality. This Reality, the Freedom, is not concept, not a thing, not an object, not even an object of knowledge; it is the Living God, the Holy One”.

Yes! Heaven. Union with the Divine. I know we have always been and shall always be. My body shall decay, but I shall Exist. From my life new life grows. As I live, I give life to others, on many levels. We are part of each other, with that Mystical Energy that creates and sustains all things.

As Jesus did, we “ascend” to union with the Godhead. I don’t need the harps and emerald streets. I know the Intoxicating Presence, the kisses. Good enough.


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