Thursday, May 3, 2007

Brian’s Reflection: Thursday, May 3, 2007

Down through the centuries, this trick has been tried by
various establishments throughout the world. They force
people to get involved in the kind of examination that has
only one aim and that is to stamp out dissent.

- Pete Seeger, singer, American patriot, born on this day, 1919

In the human sphere, it’s far far too often about control. Pete, whom I spent a day with on the sloop “Clearwater” and found to be fascinating and egocentric, refused to be controlled by McCarthy during those awful un-American days - and it was McCarthy who was being viciously un-American, not those he was persecuting. Joe McCarthy was the classic controlling megalomaniac. Pete had too much humanity and self-respect and respect of others and of his country to capitulate to that twisted mind.

I think God is a democrat - though many in the Christian sphere would like to portray Him/Her as an autocrat. Ironically, they push God’s supreme power and control - but they are highly selective in where they allow God to rule in their own lives. When it comes to the ultimate authority of Love (the theme of the Gospel on this coming Sunday, Easter V) they play fast and loose.

God never tries to stamp out dissent. Think about the conversation with Satan over Job. Think of Jesus’ relationship with Judas Iscariot, or Pontius Pilate. Think of God’s conversation with Moses about the one righteous person. Oh, there are plenty of passages in the Judeo-Christian Scriptures where God gunches the nasties - but in my mind, those are instances that make clear where human nastiness overwhelms any true depiction of God. Oh, how we love to make God in our own image!

God delights in dissent – it means that God’s people are taking Life seriously, thinking. Democracy lives, survives authentically, on dissent. As soon as someone tries to stamp out dissent, be suspicious - democracy is sliding into autocracy.

Christians are, by nature. dissenters. When others try to suppress compassion, love, caring, respect, truth, Christians rise up and say “No”.

Say “No”. The world needs dissenters these days.


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