Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The best index to a person's character is(a) how he treats people who can't do him any good, and(b) how he treats people who can't fight back.

- “Dear Abby” (Abigail Van Buren), whose
column began on this day, 1956

Hang on gang. This will be a little ….. brusque.

“The poor” are a good example of those who meet both categories. Which is why Jesus had so much to say about how “the poor” are treated. He wasn’t just saying it was “nice” to be concerned about the poor. Or optional. He was saying that we are judged by it on the scale of integrity, character, humanity.

The “Poor” includes a lot of categories.

Which is why torture is so profoundly, shockingly disgusting. In my view as a Christian, anyone who tortures – for whatever reason or justification or rationalization - automatically becomes sub-human. Apparently many people, including in America, seem willing to justify it. Or to accept their sub-humanity in the face of terrorism.

Now. Can you imagine Jesus saying, “This woman doesn’t believe in my religion, and if she doesn’t she is going to hell, so we had better put her on the rack until she accepts me as Lord and Saviour” ?

Many of Jesus’ followers over the millennia have done so, including many in America these days who claim that they are followers of the Prince of Peace and that America is a “Christian Nation”, but who support torture.

Let’s get real folks. Can you see Jesus as a torturer? Recall what He said, “What you do to the least of these, you do to Me”. As I understand it, “the least of these” includes what Abby calls those “who can’t do us any good” or those who as prisoners “can’t fight back”. There are a lot of people who fall into those categories – but I shall refrain from naming any lest I be accused of “politicizing”.

But you know who they are.


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