Thursday, January 10, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, January 11, 2008

The god whom science recognizes must be a God of
universal laws exclusively, a God who does a wholesale,
not a retail business. He cannot accommodate his
processes to the convenience of individuals.

- William James, philosopher, born on this day, 1842

Whom science recognizes”? Oh no. Whom theology recognizes. Whom common sense recognizes. Whom Justice recognizes. Whom Compassion recognizes.

There are few things more repugnant to me than a concept or understanding of God which says that God gives or refrains from giving things to people by arbitrary choice. Like health, or illness. If I ever did believe it – and I doubt it – I certainly do not believe it now. Nor do I believe that God is in the “retail” business of rewarding the Good and punishing the Bad.

“God” does only one thing. Offer the light of truth and reality to our lives. Another way to say it: Be with us in whatever Valley of the Shadow of Death or Valley of Delights we walk. Why? To show us the way to Charity and to Wholeness. The choice is ours. God does not force anything on us. God is never about force or coercion. In the end, where we end up is our own choice, our own acceptance or rejection.

There are a lot of expressions of “religion” these days which promulgate a “retail” God.

I just laugh, if ruefully.


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