Sunday, January 27, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, January 28, 2008

It's really clear to me that you can't hang
onto something longer than its time. Ideas
lose certain freshness, ideas have a shelf life,
and sometimes they have to be replaced by
other ideas.

- Alphonso D'Abruzzo, born on this day, 1936

Yep yep yep. It always changes. That’s how God teaches us “by sending us the Holy Spirit”. That’s how Life draws us on the journey of knowing why we are here. Ideas do have a shelf life. After their due date, they just become millstones around our necks, dragging us down, drowning us in the mire of a miserable status quo which can only produce stagnation.

Think about this today. Evolving is the only way to become human. Life is about being taught, about learning. Life is about developing from an infant brain that has to be completely taken care of to becoming a person who can make her/his own observations and decisions. Who contributes to the wonder of the human community by contributing her/his own wisdom to the common good.

Alphonso D’Abruzzo???

Alan Alda - Hawkeye on M.A.S.H.


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