Sunday, September 2, 2007

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, September 3, 2007

"May God forgive you for what you have done".

- Albino Luciani, installed on this day, 1978,
as Pope John Paul I

Cardinal Patriarch of Venice (something, I confess, I wouldn’t have minded being!! What fun to make pastoral visits in a gondola!)), Albino Luciani was surprisingly elected Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. His health was, unknown to most, not too good - though it was later written in print that he might have been murdered. He became known as “The Smiling Pope”. He reigned for only 33 days.

I have only this to say. Most churches and religions today could do with leaders who are a little more like Albino Luciani. Though Cardinal Patriarch of Venice, he was out of the power structure. This probably contributed to the apprehension he felt at being elected Pope. He was known often to ask, “Why did they elect me?” But, I am tired of people being elected to positions of authority in religious organizations who are “in” the power structure. Christ certainly wasn’t. The Buddha gave it up. Most of the religious leaders who have contributed the most to their faiths weren’t into power. And, in my humble opinion, the mess we are in the world today is exacerbated by the wrong kind of leaders.

Luciano’s quoted words certainly remind one of Jesus’ words from the cross. But a person who can utter such words is just the kind of person I would trust to be a faithful guide.

I think if the word had had John Paul I for some years, the world would be a better place now that what we ended up with.


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