Thursday, February 14, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, February 15, 2008

Every law is an infraction of liberty.

- Jeremy Bentham, English philosopher.
born on this day, 1748

Short and sweet today. Bentham must have got this from contemplating many things, including Jesus and Paul of Tarsus. The words probably make Americans shudder. We hear our politicians going on these days about our needing to be a people of “Law and Order”. Not just for “us”, but for the World.

But it doesn’t work, clearly. Not unless “law” rests on Charity. On Honour. On Respect. On Humility.

This is, I think, why Jesus said simply, “Love one another as I have loved you”. A “new” commandment. But of course it isn’t “new”. Every now and then in history we human beings have the “aha” moment. “Ordering” doesn’t produce what we desire. You can’t order anyone to love or care, including yourself. There has to be a deep understanding of the human heart, and of our connection with one another.

Bentham, bottom line, is absolutely correct. Liberty is a gift. It cannot be “ordered”. It is why the Christian life is all about Grace – the freely offered, unconditional acceptance of each other, based on the nature of God. Only from there can we reject revenge and embrace the glory of human transformation which rests on gratitude.

Remember: I just start the process. It’s up to you to think it through.


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