Saturday, June 2, 2007

Brian’s Reflection: Saturday, June 2, 2007

A flowerless room is a soulless room, to my way of thinking;
but even one solitary little vase of a living flower may redeem it.

- Vita Sackville-West, (the Honourable Lady Nicholson)
English author, poet, gardener, who died on this day, 1962

I love flowers. When I go to Trader Joe’s, 1/3 of my bill is for the lovely and reasonably-priced cut flowers they have! And I love gardens. I have no desire - and apparently no talent - to make a garden myself! But I love to see them and be in them.

One day while in England, I collected a friend and drove in my little rented Escort down to Kent to Sissinghurst Castle. I had heard they were the “most beautiful gardens in England”. (They are the most visited.) We spent several hours there, sitting in the gardens at various places, chatting. There weren’t too many people, being a Tuesday. Big puffy clouds sailed by, and there was sun. The day was topped off by a wonderful “high tea” at a tea shop in a local village - I remember the homemade raspberry jam for the fabulous heavy cream scones!

A Life can be like a soulless room. I don’t believe God wants it to be that way for anyone. In the Gospel called John, chapter 14, in answer to Judas’ question, Jesus says, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him”. And then He promises to send the Spirit who will dwell in us.

Metaphorically speaking, “one solitary little vase of a living flower” - the presence of the Holy - can redeem any soulless room. And perhaps lead to a spectacular garden - with a Tea House!


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