The Katzenjammer Kids comic strip
was first published on this day, 1897
Just thought you should know this! I loved the Kids as a kid!
Peace on earth would mean the end of civilization as we know it.
Joseph Heller, author (“Catch 22”, for one),
who died on thus day, 1999, age 76
In two weeks or so, over a billion Christians (and presumably with maybe a billion Muslims paying attention, since Islam deeply honours Jesus ….. in case you had gotten it wrong) are going to hear the angelic words, “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to people of goodwill”.
Now, I know that all of us are pretty good at co-opting the Bible for our own purposes, and yes, there may be many people who would find “peace on earth” to be a big unwelcome kick in the wallet (especially the USA and Britain, who are two of the largest arms dealers in the world). But (here’s my co-opt) it seems pretty clear to me that the angelic message connects the birth of Jesus with peace on earth ……. Yes? Maybe even to say that perhaps God desires Peace on Earth???
Well, I’m just sort of wondering why there aren’t one or two billion of us hept up and out there on the streets and in the halls of government - including those elected to govern - working and praying and legislating tirelessly for Peace on Earth?? Have I missed something here?? Isn’t one of Jesus’ honorifics “Prince of Peace”??
Oh, I know. Some will quote me Jesus’ words, “I did not come to bring Peace, but a sword”. Has anyone ever heard of ….. irony?? Peacemakers are always going to generate enemies - as I say, War is lucrative, and many of us love the rush of dominance and power. But Jesus wasn’t into dominance and power, I don’t think. And His “Peace be to you” ’s outnumber the other.
“Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.” Sort of has a nice Christmas ring, don’t it!
was first published on this day, 1897
Just thought you should know this! I loved the Kids as a kid!
Peace on earth would mean the end of civilization as we know it.
Joseph Heller, author (“Catch 22”, for one),
who died on thus day, 1999, age 76
In two weeks or so, over a billion Christians (and presumably with maybe a billion Muslims paying attention, since Islam deeply honours Jesus ….. in case you had gotten it wrong) are going to hear the angelic words, “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to people of goodwill”.
Now, I know that all of us are pretty good at co-opting the Bible for our own purposes, and yes, there may be many people who would find “peace on earth” to be a big unwelcome kick in the wallet (especially the USA and Britain, who are two of the largest arms dealers in the world). But (here’s my co-opt) it seems pretty clear to me that the angelic message connects the birth of Jesus with peace on earth ……. Yes? Maybe even to say that perhaps God desires Peace on Earth???
Well, I’m just sort of wondering why there aren’t one or two billion of us hept up and out there on the streets and in the halls of government - including those elected to govern - working and praying and legislating tirelessly for Peace on Earth?? Have I missed something here?? Isn’t one of Jesus’ honorifics “Prince of Peace”??
Oh, I know. Some will quote me Jesus’ words, “I did not come to bring Peace, but a sword”. Has anyone ever heard of ….. irony?? Peacemakers are always going to generate enemies - as I say, War is lucrative, and many of us love the rush of dominance and power. But Jesus wasn’t into dominance and power, I don’t think. And His “Peace be to you” ’s outnumber the other.
“Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.” Sort of has a nice Christmas ring, don’t it!
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