Thursday, December 13, 2007

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, December 14, 2007

If we can laugh, our heart-aches disappear!
Our minds become freed off tensions and stress;
If we make others laugh, they lose their fear,
And become dear, starting to us caress.

Laughter is good for both the young and old;
Laughter can turn a foe into a friend;
Laughter can help forget our woes, be bold;
Laughter can bring to grief, an early end.
Laughter is life’s most precious medicine;
Laughter is soothing balm for all our ills;
Laughter is euphoric much more than wine,
Causing no harm to one or increase bills.

Then laugh and be merry whenever you can,
For, that’s the way to live life better, man.

- Dr. John Celes, India

I certainly don’t laugh enough, that’s for sure! I’ll have to think about that - a lot. I must say, I rarely find church a place to laugh, more’s the pity. Though today we did have some wry laughs. We were repositioning pictures of two of our wonderful parishioners who has recently died. It was suggested that we put up a frame with just a large question mark in it. That created a giggle - probably because we knew that there were some who wouldn’t find that at all funny! Strange and diverse creatures, we human beings.

So, confession: the best laughs I have are watching “South Park” videos. I’ll leave it at that.

Laughter is indeed the best medicine. If you don’t have much of it in your life - and I don’t - it’s time to remedy that!

I declare Friday, December 14th, Laugh A lot Day. Enjoy!


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