Thursday, May 31, 2007

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Aloneness simply means completeness. You are whole; there is no need of anybody else to complete you. So try to find out your innermost centre where you are always alone, have always been alone. In life, in death - wherever you are - you will be alone. But it is so full! It is not empty; it is so full and so complete and so overflowing with all the juices of life, with all the beauties and benedictions of existence, that once you have tasted your aloneness, the pain in the heart will disappear. Instead, a new rhythm of tremendous sweetness, peace, joy, bliss will be there.

- Osho, formerly Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Indian spiritual teacher (“Osho” means “Unambiguation”)

I believe this. Everything has to start with us being us. Oh, we humans need others for a variety of things on the way to blossoming, unfolding. But we do not need anyone else to complete us. “Complete” is the critical word here. Free us. Illumine us. Guide us. Advise us. Teach us. Challenge us. Confront us. Love us. Yes. Towards the completeness that we simply Are. I deeply believe that the more we have found our innermost centre and our radical aloneness, the more we are able to create community which diminishes no one.

Pain in the heart is not essentially caused by others. It is caused by our self-inflicted incompleteness, by our cowardice before the Mystery of who we are.

God gave it to us in the beginning, for the taking. We must give it to ourselves, with all its juices and beauties and benedictions. Then we become a true blessing to the World.


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