Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August 29, 2007

Senator Craig of Idaho - a political comment

Well. Senator Craig says that he is "not Gay". Though he was arrested and pleaded quilty for allegedly soliciting a man in a Minnesota airport men's washroom. And the Idaho paper says there have been other instances around the senator's behaviour towards men.

Now: this is all I want to say. It is quite likely that Senator Craig is Gay. And it is equally likely that Senator Craig is constitutionally unable to admit that he is Gay. It seems to me that he is a man who has been in the "closet" all his life. And if he is indeed Gay, he is in that closet because of American culture, which is highly homophobic. It does not surprise me that he is unable to admit to the truth, especially in his position. America condones hatred against Gay people, as well as discrimination on many levels, scapegoating, and ridicule. And this is condoned, overtly or subvertly, by most of American religion. If it were not so, Senator Craig would be able to claim his own sexual orientation without prejudice, despite the pain around his wife and family that obviously results from his being forced into the Gay closet.

So, I give him the benefit of the doubt, if he is lying about his sexual orientation. I understand why. The senator is a powerful object lesson to America: let us cease this brutal abuse of Gay people. Especially of the young, who are still being emotionally and psychologically abused and oppressed and driven to suicide by America's violent and irrational prejudice against Gays/Lesbians.

I wish the Senator, if he is Gay, the freedom to embrace his truth. And I call upon all Americans who believe in the equal application of the Constitution's blessings and freedoms and equality under the law - especially the people of Idaho - to help Senator Craig to be an honest man.


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